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UF/IFAS Human Resources

UF/IFAS Human Resources

Leave of Absence Without Pay

EFFECTIVE DATE: March 18, 2002; Revised 3/25/19

SUBJECT:  Leave of Absence Without Pay

Leave of absence without pay may be granted to faculty members in accordance with guidelines set forth in Florida Administrative Code 6C1-1.201 and 6C1-6.011, Leave of Absence Without Pay. Requests for leave of absence without pay are processed in the following manner:

  1. Faculty member submits leave of absence request well in advance of intended leave date to appropriate unit administrator.
  2. If the request is recommended by the unit administrator, it is submitted to the Office of Human Resources, IFAS.
  3. The Office of Human Resources, IFAS, checks request for technical accuracy and supporting information and forwards to the appropriate Dean(s) for review and approval.
  4. The Dean(s) return request to the Office of Personnel Affairs, IFAS, or if denied, returns request to the unit as soon as possible.
  5. The Office of Human Resources, IFAS secures Sr.  Vice President's approval and forwards to the Provost for Academic Affairs for final action. Should the request be denied by the Sr Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, it will be returned to the appropriate Dean for immediate handling.


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