Classification & Compensation
- Special Pay Increase
- New Hire Salary Guidelines
- TEAMS Titles (UFHR)
- UF Staff Salary Structure (UFHR) - Pay Grades by classification
Special Pay Increase
Special pay increases should not compound salary compression within the unit. Multiple factors will be considered when offering guidance for an appropriate increase amount.
Special Pay Increase Request Form (Salesforce Form, Gatorlink login required)
Types of SPI for TEAMS and USPS employees:
- Additional Duties
- Counter Offer/Retention
- Market/Internal Equity
- Temporary Increase
- SPI Removal
- Sustained Superior Performance-Recurring
- Superior Performance-Nonrecurring
New Hire Salary Guideline
In a greater attempt to combat salary compression, IFAS HR has set the following guideline for new job postings for staff while keeping the door open for negotiation on both sides of the table.
- Best Practice: salary ranges may state the lower reference point to the 25th percentile of the pay grade and/or place “Commensurate with education and experience
“$39,700 - $46,000 or commensurate with education and experience
“$46,000 or commensurate with education and experience”
Minimum Wage:
$13.00 hourly | OPS employees |
GAU Collective Bargaining Agreement | Graduate Assistants |
$58,656 annually per 1.0 FTE | Postdoctoral Associates |
$15.00 hourly | non-exempt TEAMS |
$43,888 annually | exempt TEAMS |