9 Month Faculty Frequently Asked Questions
What are the effective dates of the 9 month academic year calendar?
The Academic Year calendar dates are:
- Fall term – 8/16 to 12/31
- Spring term – 1/1 to 5/15 (5/14 during a leap year)
- Summer Term A – 5/16 to 6/30 (5/15 during a leap year)
- Summer Term B – 7/1/- 8/15
- Summer Term C – 5/16 – 8/15
The Academic Year calendar dates can be found on the UF HR Website
For faculty being hired in a tenure track position the employee must be hired by 8/16 of the academic year for that first year to count toward the tenure clock.If hired after 8/16 the tenure clock will begin the next academic year.
Will benefits be affected by the conversion from 12 to 9 month
Faculty who move to 9 month will no longer accrue vacation leave. At the time of their conversion they will be paid up to 200 hours of unused annual leave. Sick leave accrual will remain the same
During Spring Semester double deductions will begin for benefits to be covered over the summer. The double deductions will start with the first paycheck in February and ending with the first paycheck in May.
For Spring 2019 the first pay period that double deductions will be taken out will be 1/11/19 to 1/24/19 and the last pay period that double deductions will be taken out will be 4/19/19 to 5/2/19.
Will the number of days for outside work/consulting be different for a 12 month faculty and 9 month faculty?
No, the number of days will remain the same for both 9 and 12 month – the limit is 52 days.
Is there a need to terminate the 9 month appointment every Spring and rehire the employee since the 9 month calendar year is from August to May?
No, the 9 month appointment will not be termed as this will affect benefits and retirement. The only time to end the appointment would be when the employee is leaving UF (resigning, non-renewal or retiring).
Each Spring (around Mid -April), 9 and 10 month employee’s will be placed on a short work break action which is done by the short work break process with Enterprise Systems and UF/Human Resources. The process is reviewed by UF/ Human Resources along with IFAS/HR to ensure that the appropriate 9 and 10 month employee’s are put on short work break in job data.
UNITS are not to put the employee on this Short Work Break.
The following link can be used to read the instruction guide for the short work break process: http://training.hr.ufl.edu/instructionguides/job_position_actions/shortworkbreak.pdf
During the summer months when 9 month faculty are not employed they are still an active University of Florida employee.
Can a 9 month faculty have a summer assignment and if so, how is that done?
IFAS has established the IFAS nine-month faculty salary savings program (9FSSP) to be effective January 1, 2019. Under this program faculty members are encouraged to recover their salary plus fringe benefits from grants and contracts or similar non-state funds excluding UF Foundation/Share and Faculty Service Program funds. This will be proportionate with their percent effort on those grants or contracts unless prohibited by granting agency policy. The salary savings shall be distributed to the unit in terms of an FTE and summer dates as the salary savings allow. Along with state summer salary there will be a summer assignment, which will be determined by the unit leader and faculty member. This assignment can be teaching, research or extension.
The FSSP only applies to the portion of salaries paid normally from state appropriations.
Faculty must be employed by IFAS at the time the funds are allocated. The faculty are expected to maintain or enhance their historic performance (ex: number of graduate students supported and mentored, number and quality of courses taught).Distribution of summer salary will be made once a year on or about May 15 following the end of the academic year in which the salary savings are earned.
To be eligible for the salary savings, the faculty member has to apply in advance of the term, or upon receipt of the award. The application form can be found at the IFAS Budget & Finance website: https://ifas.ufl.edu/vp-office/budget/.
Summer assignments can be done via the ePAF transaction or with the summer job file process that is done by UF/ Human Resources and IFAS/HR. IFAS/HR will work with units to ensure that the summer job file process is done accurately. Information about the summer job file will be sent to units in late March/early April.